

团结在服务中得到具体表现, which can take a variety of forms in an effort to care for others . . . 在提供这种服务时, 个人学会把自己的愿望和欲望放在一边, 他们对权力的追求, before the concrete gaze of those who are most vulnerable… 服务 always looks to their faces, 触摸他们的肉体, 感觉到他们的亲密和均匀, 在某些情况下, “忍受”这种亲近,并试图帮助他们. 服务 is never ideological, for we do not serve ideas, we serve people. ——弗朗西斯教皇,弗拉泰利·图蒂,第115位


Bishop Blanchet strives to inspire students to transform the world around them through a lifelong commitment to faith, 奖学金和服务. 像这样, Bishop Blanchet wants to encourage students to engage in service through a direct encounter with the poor and marginalized in their communities. 通过全面的服务计划, students at Bishop Blanchet will encounter others who think and live differently and work together in pursuit of social 正义. 奉献他们的时间和才能, 他们就会活出福音的勇气, 社区, 希望, 爱, 怜悯, 正义, 谦卑, and discipleship by acting beyond their own self-interest and in solidarity with others. 通过与各种非营利组织合作, students will come to a greater understanding of the world in which they live and the in正义s which need their courageous action. 

每学年, each Blanchet student will complete 20 hours of service under the direction of nonprofit organizations in any (or all) of the following focus areas: Each year, students may volunteer for a maximum of five hours at Bishop Blanchet events, 比如皇冠99hg现金网主教迎新礼, 开放的房子, 等. 不管这个事件为谁服务. 不需要服务于Blanchet. The remaining hours must be completed with an approved nonprofit organization, 同时在四个重点领域中的任何一个领域提供直接服务. 主教皇冠99hg现金网不接受拍卖的服务时间, 募捐或其他慈善活动.

2023-2024年服务需求 & 信息

Nuestro团结晚宴Pequeños Hermanos

Join us for a Solidarity Dinner in support of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH)! Help us provide scholarships and basic needs to the 11 NPH students sponsored by Bishop Blanchet each year.

周一, 5月6日 下午5:30-7:30.m.
$25 ticket includes a simple dinner of rice and beans and donation to NPH

如果你想支持NPH, 买好票 参加团结晚宴,或者今天捐款!

Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH), 西班牙语是“我们的小兄弟姐妹”, cares for thousands of poor and vulnerable children across Latin America and the Caribbean by providing education, 家庭支援服务, 还有爱, 安全的环境. A primary goal of NPH is to break the cycle of generational poverty. We are proud to sponsor 11 students annually through the generosity of the Bishop Blanchet 社区. 感谢您对这项重要工作的支持!


在上面的地图上,你会看到许多我们的 预先批准的服务地点 2023- 2024学年. Organizations that operate at a variety of sites are not mapped at this time. 点击 on any of the green map pins for more details about the organization. 点击 查看大图 (右上角部分方形)在新窗中打开.

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